Religion that God our Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: to look after orphans in
their distress and to keep oneself from being
polluted by the world. ~James 1:27

Monday, May 6, 2013

We finally have news! seems like we have waited months and months for the official news, when in reality it was about 3. S did NOT get the waiver for the 12 month waiting time. At first, I just cried. That's a momma's first reaction though. My mind instantly went to "my poor baby has to sit in that place for another year". I had prayed and prayed, on my knees, for God to prepare my heart and accept His answer. I knew God is good, all of the time, and although I may not understand His answers at first, eventually I would. I quickly went from crying to a heart filled with gratitude. I was thankful that the SDA got and processed S's paperwork quickly. I was thankful that we actually had a date he would be available for international adoption that we could look forward to, count down to, and get prepared for(It is the beginning of April). I was thankful that even though waiting a year means paying $5,400 more in hosting, it gives us more time to gather the $19,000 we still need for his adoption. I was thankful that it wasn't 12 months we had to wait anymore, but 11. I knew the situation could be so much worse, and I was just thankful that although not ideal, we could go get him before we know it!

So where does that leave us right now? Well...fundraising. God called us on this journey, and no doubt, He will provide. I cry every time someone I least expect to, helps us, or donates, or offers prayers. It just means so much to me. To us. S will come here for summer, for double the time of winter hosting. He keeps telling me how much he misses his he loves us and wants to make sure he's coming back. I love that boy. My arms are aching to hold him, my ears are burning to hear him talk and say I love you again. I can hardly wait for him to see how much his sister has grown. I can hardly wait to have my boy home for almost 2 months. 1.5 more months to go until that piece of my heart gets off that plane and back where he belongs!

We are hoping to do so many things with S this summer. It is always crazy trying to cram so much into just a few, much to short, weeks. 

The countdown begins! <3

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