Religion that God our Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: to look after orphans in
their distress and to keep oneself from being
polluted by the world. ~James 1:27

Friday, April 5, 2013

Getting Closer

Well, it is April! April is THE month that will tell us what the next year will or won't look like. We either hear S was granted a waiver, come get him and we prepare tons of paperwork and go to get him this summer, or it means we have to wait until next Spring/Summer and somehow come up with hosting expenses twice more. We've been told we should know around the end of the month. We are just waiting upon on the Lord. Some days I let the anxiety get to me of waiting an entire year for my boy, and coming up with even more money that we need to raise. But most days, I am just surrendering to God and letting him take these huge battles that I can't possibly fight. I give God all of my worries and ask Him to sort them out, to work the details out, and to let it all work out for the good of S and us all. God is good, all the time. He's got this!

Join us in prayer as this time is now here for our lawyer/facilitator to work their bums off to get a waiver. To let them speak to just the right people, let God prepare the hearts of the people they will speak with, let the lawyer/facilitator say exactly the right things, and just let a miracle work here. Pray, pray, pray! We appreciate any and all prayers!