Religion that God our Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: to look after orphans in
their distress and to keep oneself from being
polluted by the world. ~James 1:27

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sweet Boy

Last night my husband and I were laying in bed, it's late and we needed to go to sleep. He thought he would check his VK one more time and I'm so glad he did. Alex had sent Sergey a car photo from an event the other week. Sergey loves cars just like dad. Instead of first saying Something about the the cars, he says "daddy I miss you so much. How are things?". I can read right between those words and know he's longing to be WITH his dad at the fun car stuff. I can read the desperation and sadness of him not being here. All my momma heart wants to do is catch the next flight out and go get him. If only things were that simple.

This boy is about to be 17. 17, aging out and with a heart condition. He's been institutionalized for SO long that this kid will just not survive the streets. He is a kind, sweet boy who deserves love and his family back.

His director told us he's only now doing better because he has hope in his heart again because he has a family and his family is coming to get him. I sit here and sometimes think...what on earth am I going to say to him if we can't come up with the money? I try to not let myself go there, but somedays it's hard thinking about the very large amount of money we still need. I see that number and it feels impossible. It IS impossible for us, but I constantly remind myself it IS possible for Him.

Please don't let this boy become another statistic on the street. Would you please find it in your heart to give? NO amount is too small. Every dollar helps write this boy's new future.

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